Where is International Payroll Going?

Where is International Payroll Going?

The Future of International Payroll is Remote

Canadian Payroll Services’ CEO, Afifa Siddiqui, joined Ryan O’Donnell on PeopleTalk, to discuss the future of remote work and international payroll. The PeopleTalk podcast features interviews with senior human resources and talent acquisition professionals, talking about growth, strategy, and keeping the workplace human.

While the PEO and Employer of Record services industry is established in the US, the model has historically been less popular in Canada. Afifa pointed out that universal healthcare makes offering benefits a nice to have, not a must have, resulting in Canadian PEOs and EORs focusing more on delivering seamless payroll, HR and outsourcing solutions.

As remote work grows – and with it, cross border employment – the need for PEOs and EORs is growing here in Canada and all over the world. Compliance services, contract and policy reviews, local expertise, and setting the employment relationship up right are core offerings at Canadian Payroll Services. They’re how local PEOs and EORs help to set their clients up for success. Being able to deliver those services remotely, to remote first teams, is crucial to our new normal.

CPS has been delivering remote services for six years. Long before the order came for Ontario businesses to go remote or shutter, we had been preparing to go remote ourselves. According to Afifa, that meant we were ready for the change, and took off running. The future of international payroll is more adaptation, because the world isn’t going to get any less complicated.

A lifelong entrepreneur, Afifa had side gigs before we had the word side gigs. On PeopleTalk, she told Ryan that even in the first decade of her career, as a power engineer, she was developing projects and business ideas. When her job market was hit with outsourcing and Afifa was looking for work, she found that in interviews, she would know immediately if she was the right person for the job – and if not, who else it might be.
That’s how she became a niche recruiter for energy, industry and IT, eventually founding Cronos Consulting Group in 2001, which continues to deliver tailor made workforce solutions today.

One piece of advice she’d give to her 20-year-old self?

“Redefine success and failure, now that I’m more mature and dealing with the successes and failures that come with business life, I’ve learned that all failures are successes disguised as tough love learning. Anything you fail at is a step towards what will work.”

Want to learn more about how Canadian Payroll Services can help? Get in touch!

Table of Contents
CPS helps companies hire in Canada without opening a local subsidiary.
  • Employer of Record
  • Canadian Payroll, HR and Compliance
  • Employee Health Insurance, Benefits and Perks